What Is The Encouragement Circle, Inc.?

We are a community & support network for bible-believing women, ages 18+! We encourage & empower others through philanthropy, leadership, and volunteerism. Members mobilize to improve the holistic growth of our community by providing education, aid or resources for a healthy mind, body, spirit & thriving finances.

About Us

The Mission

We aim to help women become confident, self-sufficient, & healthy in all areas of their lives!

The Vision

To have an active & thriving national community, with chapters planted across the United States. We aim to work cooperatively to provide safe-havens for women in need of support & resources, so they can flourish with their mental, physical, maternal, emotional and spiritual health. We also seek to provide support & resources for women to thrive in their finances, businesses or entrepreneurial ventures.

What We Do

The goal of the Encouragement Circle Inc. is to provide opportunities for our community members to network, support one another, learn from one another, grow in our biblical understanding, advance in our finances and lead holistically-healthy lives. We also fight to bring awareness to sexual assault prevention & push for more stringent laws against sexual assault offenders.

How We Do It

The Encouragement Circle Inc. achieves our goals through providing resources, scholarships, grants, workshops, summits, conferences, community service projects, fundraising & social gatherings.

Why We Do It

The Encouragement Circle Inc. builds a community for women to receive positive support. We believe that women who have positive support networks, knowledge of God accountability, & proper resources will flourish to be leaders of their com munities.

The Team

Join The Tribe!

In need of some encouragement and support? Become an official member of T.E.C community & support network for bible-believing women ages 18+!

Become a member for ONLY $20 a month and enjoy exclusive workshops, book clubs, networking opportunities, exclusive vending opportunities, exclusive discounts for T.E.C live events and opportunities to lead volunteer committee boards to help us bring awareness to sexual assault prevention for women, men and kids!

Fill out the form below and a member of the team will email you about your membership interest. There is a short interview process to follow & a payment of $20. Thank you for your interest!

Be Made Whole!

Be Made Whole!